The Top 10 Cities Every American Should Visit
My list of the top cities to visit sometime in your life.
1. Washington, D.C. "Our Nation's Capital"
If you never plan a trip anywhere else, you NEED to visit the capital of this country. It will give you a real appreciation for what "we the people" means. Almost EVERYTHING you would want to see is FREE. Helpful hint: Stay outside of Washington and use the commuter trains or Metro to get around.
2. New York, NY "The Big Apple"
The capital of the world, some say. You can't spit a watermelon seed without hitting a landmark of some sort. On every street, at every corner, you will recognize either a piece of pop culture or history. Helpful hint: Don't drive to this city. Fly in, take a cab, and stay in the most affordable place you can find in midtown or downtown Manhattan. You can get everywhere by walking, bus, taxi, or subway.
3. Boston, MA "The Birthplace of a Nation"
A recent discovery of mine. Another very WALKABLE city if you stay in the southeastern limits. Follow the Freedom Trail -- it's a hands-on history lesson. If you can swing it, come for July 4 and listen to the Boston Pops concert followed by spectacular fire works. And be sure to stop in the North End for some great Italian food.
4. Philadelphia, PA
The only city on my list I haven't yet visited. But I can't imagine Philadelphia not being an engaging city, considering its impact on American history. I'd love to get some comments on this one.
5. Chicago, IL "The Windy City"
My second visit here improved my opinion of this city. We found the real Chicago by walking around instead of driving. Stay near the Lake and hoof it. The Art Institute is worth the trip in and of itself. But there's so much more. Again, it's the history of the city that gives it heart.
6. New Orleans, LA "The Crescent City"
I haven't visited the city since the devastation of Katrina, but reports indicate that the historic area around the French Quarter remained fairly unscathed. Just stepping into the streets gives you the feeling of going back in time. Not the cleanest town around, you just have to get used to the litter and the grime. But there's music everywhere (and quite a few little 'pubs' you can visit) and the food is delicious.
7. San Francisco, CA "The Golden Gateway"
I recently had a chance to take a "long" weekend to visit this wonderful town. Enchantment abounds! From the Golden Gate Park to Chinatown, San Francisco is a city for the romantic. Wonderful views. Great food. A real mixture of people. I wish I'd had more time there.
8. Atlanta, GA "The Big Peach"
Atlanta is a rising star on the socialite's calendar. It is beginning to rival New York and L.A. for its entertainment and night life. If you are interested in learning about the civil rights movement, there's no better place to start. Just be sure to dress for the weather.
9. Charleston, SC "The Holy City"
Walk the cobblestone streets near the waterfront park or along The Battery and take in the view of all the charming southern mansions in this city's historic district. Hidden gardens, the scent of jasmine and magnolia, the tasty Southern food, and the super mannerly Charlestonians. Don't forget to check out Ft. Sumter while you are there.
10. Baltimore, MD
If you want a taste of the maritime life, Baltimore is a great place to visit. The Inner Harbor offers views, restaurants, shops and entertainment. Not too far from all the hub bub is Ft. McHenry, where the battle that inspired the Star Spangled Banner took place. Historic sites abound, from Babe Ruth's birthplace to Edgar Allen Poe's grave. And did I mention the seafood?
Well, there you have it. I have many, many more favorite cities, but decided I needed to limit my list to ten. Any comments -- additions, deletions?
In upcoming blogs, I'll discuss other top 10 features -- like the best places to catch sunsets and sunrises, to see a football game, my top 10 "discoveries", etc. Stay tuned!

The historic Dock Street Theater in Charleston, S.C. believed to be the first built in the U.S. to serve for public entertainment. (actually on Church Street).
My cousin David suggested Portland, Oregon.
My former student, Sarah, suggested Asheville, NC.
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